YourPropFirm Monthly Product Update – August 2024

yourpropfirm monthly product update

Welcome to YourPropFirm’s August update! We are excited to share the latest features and improvements designed to make managing your prop firm easier and more efficient. This month, we’ve added new tools to give you a complete view of trading activities, improved our KYC (Know Your Customer) processes, and made the user experience smoother. Read on to discover the powerful new tools and improvements we’ve introduced.

Positions Overview

Admin and Support View

Our new Positions Overview feature allows admin and support staff to see all trades opened by users. This provides a complete picture of trading activities, making monitoring and managing accounts easier.

Enhanced Search Functionality

Finding specific trades is now much easier with our improved search options. You can search for trades using multiple criteria:

  • Order ID: Quickly locate trades using their unique order ID.
  • Account ID: Find trades linked to specific account IDs.
  • Program Name: Filter trades based on the name of the trading program.
  • User Name: Search for trades by the user’s name.
  • Email: Locate trades using the email address associated with the account.
  • Symbol: Filter trades by specific trading symbols.

Advanced Filtering Options

To make searches even more precise, we’ve added advanced filtering options:

  • Command: Filter trades by the type of trading command used.
  • Stop Loss: Find trades that have a stop-loss order.
  • Take Profit: Search for trades that have a take-profit order.
  • Trade Status: Filter by the current status of the trade, such as open or closed.
  • Profit or Loss: Filter trades based on whether they made a profit or incurred a loss.

Comprehensive Sorting Options

Organizing trade data is now simpler with our sorting options:

  • Recent Open Time: Sort trades by the most recent time they were opened.
  • Recent Close Time: Sort trades by the most recent time they were closed.
  • Biggest Lots First: Sort by the largest lot sizes first.
  • Smallest Lots First: Sort by the smallest lot sizes first.
  • Profit: Sort trades by the highest profits.
  • Loss: Sort trades by the highest losses.

Data Export Functionality

For further analysis, you can now export up to 5000 rows of filtered data to a CSV file. This makes it easy to analyze large amounts of data outside the platform.

Enhancement for Open Positions and Account History

Detailed Information

Our dashboard now shows more detailed information for open positions and account history. With enhanced search functionality in the account history section, users can locate specific trades more efficiently, making account management smoother and more intuitive.

Enhancements for Daily Reports

Trade Count

We’ve updated the Daily Reports section to include the number of trades opened each day. This feature gives you a quick snapshot of daily trading activity, making it easier to monitor overall performance and identify trends.

KYC Proof of Address Verification

Enhanced Verification

To strengthen our user verification process, the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure now includes Proof of Address verification. This added step ensures that users provide a valid address, enhancing security and trust within the platform.

Flexible Questionnaire in KYC

Improved Data Collection

We’ve improved the KYC questionnaire to support a wider variety of field types. This flexibility allows for more comprehensive data collection, helping us gather detailed and relevant information about users.

Pagination Enhancements

Smoother Navigation

Navigating through large datasets is now much smoother thanks to our improved pagination system. In the Positions Overview and other sections, you can see the total number of data entries displayed at the bottom left of the page. Additionally, you can now navigate directly to the last page, making it easier to access and manage extensive data.

Email Notification Settings

Customizable Notifications

We’ve introduced new settings that allow admin and support staff to enable or disable specific email notifications. This provides greater control over communication preferences, ensuring that only the most relevant updates are sent out.


We’ve made several important fixes to improve the platform’s stability and performance:

  • Resolved an issue in cTrader where equity values changed even without active trades.
  • Fixed rare cases of internal server errors during withdrawal requests to ensure smoother transactions.
  • Improved the reliability of account history on MT4 for more accurate historical data.
  • Addressed the issue of pending account upgrades being repeatedly approved to prevent unnecessary duplications.
  • Enhanced search functionality by fixing rare errors when searching for programs.
  • Resolved several integration issues with Sirix, ensuring better compatibility and system performance.


As YourPropFirm continues to evolve, we remain committed to providing prop firm owners with the best tools and resources. The updates introduced this month are designed to enhance management capabilities, streamline account processes, and offer greater flexibility and control. We are excited about the possibilities these new features bring and look forward to your feedback. Stay tuned for more updates next month!

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